The Committee
The United Nations General Assembly Third Committee, also known as the Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee (SOCHUM-C3), was founded in 1945 upon the call of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights. The committee is entrusted to promote social, human rights, and humanitarian affairs that involve people all over the world. C-3 is the kind of committee that is capable of holding any sort of problem within the borders of it.
Consequently, today, the GA-3 is at the front lines due to being accountable for a large area of issues such as the rights of men, the furtherance of women, the safety of children, the protection of refugee rights, and the elimination of racism and racial discrimination. By taking into consideration the current problems, this council has led to coordinated international action to solve the Rohingya Crisis and Refugee Trafficking. It is expected to have a lively discussion between every delegate from the chosen countries.
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